| | | | As
Tariq Ramadan blames the Salafis for being responsible for terrorism!
And free and far removed are the scholars and the followers of
Salafiyyah from condoning terrorism and the corrupt ideology of the
Khawaarij. It should also suffice us as a confirmation of his
misguidance that Tariq Ramadan cooperates with organizations that
aggrandize the likes of Hasan al-Banna (who is Tariq Ramadan's
grandfather) and Sayyid Qutb, the revivers of the Khawaarij ideology in
the modern era. Furthemore, Tariq Ramadan has called to leaving
off aspects of the Islamic Sharee'ah (such as his infamous call for a
"moratorium" on the punishment for adultery legislated by Allaah,
subhaanahu wa ta 'alaa) and abandoning the scholars of the religion. To
him, an ideal practice of Islam involves combining Islamic values with
the conjecture and doubts of Western philosophers, and he has studied
the works of such disbelieving philosophers extensively. In this regard,
TIME Magazine "honored" Tariq Ramadan as being one of the most important "innovators" of the 21st century. And the website of the magazine reports him as saying:
And Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, rahimahullaah, stated: "All
praise is for Allaah who, in every age and intervals between the
Prophets, raises up a group from the people of knowledge, who call the
misguided to guidance and patiently bearing ill-treatment and harm. With
the Book of Allaah, they give life to the dead, and by Allaah's Light
they give sight to the blind. How many a person killed by
Iblees have they revived. How many people astray and wandering have
they guided. How beautiful their effect has been upon the people, and
how vile the people have been towards them. They expel from the Book of
Allaah the alterations of those going beyond bounds, the false claims
of the liars and the false interpretations of the ignorant-ones - those
who uphold the banner of innovation and who unleash the fitnah (trial
and discord), who differ about the Book, oppose the Book and agree to
oppose the Book. Those who speak about Allaah and His Book without
knowledge, and who argue about what is ambiguous in the Book, and
deceive the ignorant with such ambiguities. So we seek refuge in Allaah from the fitan (trials and discord) of the misguided-ones."
 | quote: |
got to get away from the idea that scholars in the Islamic world can do
our thinking for us. We need to start thinking for ourselves." |
And we seek refuge in Allaah from those who are astray and who lead others astray!
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